Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Soapstone - 6 JAN 2010 - trip into Nehalem

I went into Nehalem today. Had a nice cup of clam chowder (served with a pat of butter on top!), walked through several of the little shops, dropped off some letters at the post office, and picked up my package from Powells. My books have arrived at last! (And sending things "General Delivery" actually works, I can now report!) I'm looking forward to delving into the books -- they're all research for one of the new plays I'm working on.
I stopped briefly at the Fish Hatchery on my way back, but not too long -- I wanted to be sure to be back before dark. Highway 53 is narrow and winds its way around in such a way that you can't see the logging trucks barreling toward you until the very last moment. Sometimes there are precipitous drop-offs where the edge of the road is crumbling a bit, though usually not all the way in to the fog line...

I picked up kindling outside when I got back, as it hasn't been raining today and I figured it would be a good time to fill up my basket. I also hauled in some wood and cleaned up my little stove area a bit. Had a nice dinner, and am now tucked into my loft with my Harry Potter novel. (Harry has now arrived at Hogwarts and been selected into Gryffindor.)

I didn't get much writing done today, but I'm very glad to have had an outing. I was ready to go out and about a bit! Will buckle down again tomorrow.

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