Thursday, January 21, 2010

Promoting your work and yourself!

I found this recent blog rant VERY interesting.  It's an NYU professor's assessment of possible reasons why his male students are getting ahead more than his equally talented and hard-working female students.

You can tell this subject is a bit of a lightning rod by looking at the comments.  The hundreds of comments.  Some of them angry, some of them offensive, some of them offended.  You may be offended yourself already, just thinking about what he *might* have said.

I think he has a good point -- that promoting yourself, and being brave enough to try things when you know you will fail at least some of the time (fail badly and fail publicly) is required for getting ahead.

His article reminded me, actually, of that odd little book called "The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People."  It's not my usual sort of reading -- but I did read it, ten or twelve years ago, and I was glad I did.  It framed the world for me in a different way than I'd seen the world before.  Now, I don't wear that pair of glasses all the time.  I don't need to.  But it's helpful to have them in my drawer, at those moments when I'm trying to figure out what I can do to get where I want to get.

1 comment:

Acting said...

I have not read the article as of yet however will do so immediately after this comment and will be open to discussion. I do, however, relate to what you say about not fearing to fail publicly in order to get ahead. I have recently graduated (2009) and was on an Acting course. I have not set up my own Theatre production company which I am seeking to take to the Worlds largest Arts festival here in the UK. You can find out more by either going to my website ... or checking out

Though I do seek maximum success, I am fully aware of the risks involved. My female counter parts often become vocal in saying that they wish they could be me in having this mootivation and when I say that they can and more than willing to, I often get a reply along the lines of ... 'But what if I fail?' So based on a very small statistic, mayb you are right in saying that females fear public failure while guys do not - Maybe. I welcome you to see what I am upto on my side and of course, as always, open for discussion.